From 460027e96507c8015878a03f14508bd50d68e97f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Catalin Mititiuc
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 19:41:27 -0700
Subject: Move most game logic into its own file
src/modules/game.js | 906 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 906 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 src/modules/game.js
(limited to 'src/modules')
diff --git a/src/modules/game.js b/src/modules/game.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2903b05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/game.js
@@ -0,0 +1,906 @@
+function isEven(n) {
+ return n % 2 === 0;
+function radToDeg(radians) {
+ return radians * 180 / Math.PI;
+function calculateAngle(xDiff, yDiff) {
+ yDiff = -yDiff;
+ let angle = Math.abs(Math.atan(yDiff / xDiff));
+ if (xDiff < 0 && yDiff > 0) {
+ angle = Math.PI - angle;
+ } else if (xDiff < 0 && yDiff < 0) {
+ angle = Math.PI + angle;
+ } else if (xDiff > 0 && yDiff < 0) {
+ angle = 2 * Math.PI - angle;
+ }
+ return angle;
+function edgePoint(x1, y1, x2, y2, maxX, maxY) {
+ let pointCoords,
+ xDiff = x2 - x1,
+ yDiff = y2 - y1,
+ xIntercept = y => (y - y1) * xDiff / yDiff + x1,
+ yIntercept = x => (x - x1) * yDiff / xDiff + y1;
+ if (xDiff > 0 && yDiff > 0) {
+ let x = xIntercept(maxY);
+ pointCoords = x <= maxX ? [x, maxY] : [maxX, yIntercept(maxX)];
+ } else if (xDiff > 0 && yDiff < 0) {
+ let y = yIntercept(maxX);
+ pointCoords = y >= 0 ? [maxX, y] : [xIntercept(0), 0];
+ } else if (xDiff < 0 && yDiff < 0) {
+ let x = xIntercept(0);
+ pointCoords = x >= 0 ? [x, 0] : [0, yIntercept(0)];
+ } else {
+ let y = yIntercept(0);
+ pointCoords = y <= maxY ? [0, y] : [xIntercept(maxY), maxY];
+ }
+ return pointCoords;
+function evenr_to_axial(x, y) {
+ return { q: x - (y + (y & 1)) / 2, r: y };
+function axial_to_evenr(q, r) {
+ return { x: q + (r + (r & 1)) / 2, y: r };
+function axial_distance(q1, r1, q2, r2) {
+ return (Math.abs(q1 - q2) + Math.abs(q1 + r1 - q2 - r2) + Math.abs(r1 - r2)) / 2;
+function offset_distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
+ let { q: q1, r: r1 } = evenr_to_axial(x1, y1),
+ { q: q2, r: r2 } = evenr_to_axial(x2, y2);
+ return axial_distance(q1, r1, q2, r2);
+function cube_to_axial(q, r, s) {
+ return { q: q, r: r };
+function axial_to_cube(q, r) {
+ return { q: q, r: r, s: -q - r };
+function cube_round(q, r, s) {
+ rQ = Math.round(q);
+ rR = Math.round(r);
+ rS = Math.round(s);
+ let q_diff = Math.abs(rQ - q),
+ r_diff = Math.abs(rR - r),
+ s_diff = Math.abs(rS - s);
+ if (q_diff > r_diff && q_diff > s_diff) {
+ rQ = -rR - rS;
+ } else if (r_diff > s_diff) {
+ rR = -rQ - rS;
+ } else {
+ rS = -rQ - rR;
+ }
+ return { q: rQ, r: rR, s: rS };
+function axial_round(q, r) {
+ let cube = axial_to_cube(q, r),
+ round = cube_round(cube.q, cube.r, cube.s),
+ axial = cube_to_axial(round.q, round.r, round.s);
+ return { q: axial.q, r: axial.r };
+function lerp(a, b, t) {
+ return a + (b - a) * t;
+function axial_lerp(q1, r1, q2, r2, t) {
+ return { q: lerp(q1, q2, t), r: lerp(r1, r2, t) };
+function linedraw(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
+ let axial1 = evenr_to_axial(x1, y1),
+ axial2 = evenr_to_axial(x2, y2),
+ n = offset_distance(x1, y1, x2, y2),
+ results = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
+ let lerp = axial_lerp(axial1.q, axial1.r, axial2.q, axial2.r, 1.0 / n * i),
+ round = axial_round(lerp.q, lerp.r),
+ { x, y } = axial_to_evenr(round.q, round.r);
+ results.push([x, y]);
+ }
+ return results;
+export default class Game {
+ info;
+ #firingArcVisibility = {
+ davion: false,
+ liao: false
+ };
+ constructor(svg) {
+ this.svg = svg;
+ this.setUpSightLine(this);
+ this.setUpCounter(this);
+ // this.setUpRecordSheet();
+ this.setUpCells();
+ }
+ static HORZ_POINT_DISTANCE = 1.005;
+ static VERT_POINT_DISTANCE = Math.sqrt(3) * Game.HORZ_POINT_DISTANCE / 2;
+ static FIRING_ARC_SIZE = {
+ 'small': Math.atan(Game.HORZ_POINT_DISTANCE / (6 * Game.VERT_POINT_DISTANCE)),
+ 'medium': Math.atan((Game.HORZ_POINT_DISTANCE / 2) / Game.VERT_POINT_DISTANCE),
+ 'large': Math.atan((21 * Game.HORZ_POINT_DISTANCE) / (6 * Game.VERT_POINT_DISTANCE))
+ };
+ #positionFiringArc(e) {
+ let activeFiringArc = this.querySelector('');
+ // TODO: handle exactly horizontal and vertical lines
+ if (activeFiringArc) {
+ let activeFiringArcOutline = this.querySelector(`#lines polygon[data-troop-number="${activeFiringArc.dataset.troopNumber}"][data-troop-allegiance="${activeFiringArc.dataset.troopAllegiance}"]`),
+ board = this.querySelector('#image-maps'),
+ { width, height } = board.getBBox(),
+ pt = new DOMPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY),
+ { x: pointerX, y: pointerY } = pt.matrixTransform(board.getScreenCTM().inverse()),
+ [maxXpx, maxYpx] = [width, height],
+ { x: x1px, y: y1px } = activeFiringArc.points[0];
+ let [x2px, y2px] = [
+ pointerX / width * maxXpx,
+ pointerY / height * maxYpx
+ ];
+ let xDiff = x2px - x1px;
+ let yDiff = y2px - y1px;
+ let angle = calculateAngle(xDiff, yDiff);
+ let arcAngle = Game.FIRING_ARC_SIZE[activeFiringArc.dataset.size];
+ let distance = Math.sqrt((x2px - x1px) ** 2 + (y2px - y1px) ** 2);
+ let yDelta = distance * Math.cos(angle) * Math.tan(arcAngle);
+ let xDelta = distance * Math.sin(angle) * Math.tan(arcAngle);
+ let [newY1, newX1] = [y2px + yDelta, x2px + xDelta];
+ let [newY2, newX2] = [y2px - yDelta, x2px - xDelta];
+ [newX1, newY1] = edgePoint(x1px, y1px, newX1, newY1, maxXpx, maxYpx);
+ [newX2, newY2] = edgePoint(x1px, y1px, newX2, newY2, maxXpx, maxYpx);
+ let oppositeEdgeConditions = [
+ newX1 == 0 && newX2 == maxXpx,
+ newX2 == 0 && newX1 == maxXpx,
+ newY1 == 0 && newY2 == maxYpx,
+ newY2 == 0 && newY1 == maxYpx
+ ]
+ let orthogonalEdgeConditions = [
+ (newX1 == 0 || newX1 == maxXpx) && (newY2 == 0 || newY2 == maxYpx),
+ (newX2 == 0 || newX2 == maxXpx) && (newY1 == 0 || newY1 == maxYpx),
+ ]
+ let points;
+ if (oppositeEdgeConditions.some(e => e)) {
+ let cornerPoints;
+ if (xDiff > 0 && yDiff > 0) {
+ if ((newY1 == 0 && newY2 == maxYpx) || (newY1 == maxYpx && newY2 == 0)) {
+ cornerPoints = [[maxXpx, 0], [maxXpx, maxYpx]];
+ } else {
+ cornerPoints = [[maxXpx, maxYpx], [0, maxYpx]];
+ }
+ } else if (xDiff > 0 && yDiff < 0) {
+ if ((newY1 == 0 && newY2 == maxYpx) || (newY1 == maxYpx && newY2 == 0)) {
+ cornerPoints = [[maxXpx, 0], [maxXpx, maxYpx]];
+ } else {
+ cornerPoints = [[0, 0], [maxXpx, 0]];
+ }
+ } else if (xDiff < 0 && yDiff > 0) {
+ if ((newY1 == 0 && newY2 == maxYpx) || (newY1 == maxYpx && newY2 == 0)) {
+ cornerPoints = [[0, maxYpx], [0, 0]];
+ } else {
+ cornerPoints = [[maxXpx, maxYpx], [0, maxYpx]];
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((newY1 == 0 && newY2 == maxYpx) || (newY1 == maxYpx && newY2 == 0)) {
+ cornerPoints = [[0, maxYpx], [0, 0]];
+ } else {
+ cornerPoints = [[0, 0], [maxXpx, 0]];
+ }
+ }
+ points = `${x1px},${y1px} ${newX1},${newY1} ${cornerPoints[1]} ${cornerPoints[0]} ${newX2},${newY2}`;
+ } else if (orthogonalEdgeConditions.some(e => e)) {
+ let cornerPoints = [];
+ let cp1, cp2;
+ if (newX1 == 0 || newX1 == maxXpx) {
+ cp1 = [newX1, yDiff > 0 ? maxYpx : 0];
+ } else {
+ cp1 = [xDiff > 0 ? maxXpx : 0, newY1];
+ }
+ if (newX2 == 0 || newX2 == maxXpx) {
+ cp2 = [newX2, yDiff > 0 ? maxYpx : 0];
+ } else {
+ cp2 = [xDiff > 0 ? maxXpx : 0, newY2];
+ }
+ if (cp1[0] == cp2[0] && cp1[1] == cp2[1]) {
+ cornerPoints.push(cp1);
+ } else {
+ cornerPoints.push(cp1);
+ cornerPoints.push([xDiff > 0 ? maxXpx : 0, yDiff > 0 ? maxYpx : 0])
+ cornerPoints.push(cp2);
+ }
+ points = `${x1px},${y1px} ${newX1},${newY1} ${cornerPoints.join(' ')} ${newX2},${newY2}`;
+ } else {
+ points = `${x1px},${y1px} ${newX1},${newY1} ${newX2},${newY2}`;
+ }
+ activeFiringArcOutline.setAttributeNS(null, 'points', points);
+ activeFiringArc.setAttributeNS(null, 'points', points);
+ }
+ }
+ getCells() {
+ return this.svg.querySelectorAll('g[data-x]');
+ }
+ getCell(x, y) {
+ return this.svg.querySelector(`g[data-y="${y}"] g[data-x="${x}"]`);
+ }
+ getHex(cell) {
+ return cell.querySelector('use[href="#hex"]');
+ }
+ getCounters() {
+ return this.svg.querySelectorAll(`use[data-allegiance][data-number]:not(.clone)`);
+ }
+ getCounter(al, n) {
+ return this.svg.querySelector(`use[data-allegiance="${al}"][data-number="${n}"]:not(.clone)`);
+ }
+ getCounterAndClones(al, n) {
+ return this.svg.querySelectorAll(`use[data-allegiance="${al}"][data-number="${n}"]`);
+ }
+ getClones(al, n) {
+ return this.svg.querySelectorAll(`use[data-allegiance="${al}"][data-number="${n}"].clone`);
+ }
+ getSelected() {
+ return this.svg.querySelector(`use[data-allegiance][data-number].selected`);
+ }
+ getSightLine() {
+ return this.svg.querySelector('line.sight-line');
+ }
+ getExistingArcs(al, n) {
+ return this.svg.querySelectorAll(`#firing-arcs polygon[data-troop-number="${n}"][data-troop-allegiance="${al}"]`);
+ }
+ getUnclippedFiringArcs() {
+ return this.svg.querySelectorAll('#firing-arcs polygon:not([clip-path])');
+ }
+ getGridIndex({ parentElement }) {
+ return { x: parentElement.dataset.x, y: parentElement.parentElement.dataset.y };
+ }
+ getBoard() {
+ return this.svg.querySelector('.board');
+ }
+ getActiveHexes() {
+ return this.svg.querySelectorAll('use[href="#hex"].active');
+ }
+ getCellPosition(cell) {
+ let pt = new DOMPoint(0, 0),
+ transform = getComputedStyle(cell).transform.match(/-?\d+\.?\d*/g),
+ mtx = new DOMMatrix(transform);
+ pt = pt.matrixTransform(mtx);
+ transform = getComputedStyle(cell.parentElement).transform.match(/-?\d+\.?\d*/g);
+ mtx = new DOMMatrix(transform);
+ pt = pt.matrixTransform(mtx);
+ return pt;
+ }
+ endMove() {
+ const selected = this.getSelected();
+ if (selected) {
+ this.Counter.endMove(selected);
+ // this.RecordSheet.endMove();
+ }
+ }
+ toggleFiringArcVisibility(allegiance) {
+ const vis = this.#firingArcVisibility[allegiance],
+ clipPaths = this.svg.querySelectorAll(`clipPath[data-troop-allegiance="${allegiance}"]`);
+ clipPaths.forEach(cp => = !vis ? 'none' : '');
+ this.#firingArcVisibility[allegiance] = !vis;
+ }
+ clipFiringArcs() {
+ let unclipped = this.getUnclippedFiringArcs();
+ unclipped.forEach(el => {
+ const { troopNumber, troopAllegiance } = el.dataset,
+ clipPathId = `clip-path-${troopAllegiance}-${troopNumber}`,
+ isVisible = this.#firingArcVisibility[troopAllegiance];
+ if (isVisible) {
+ this.svg.querySelector(`#${clipPathId}`).style.display = 'none';
+ }
+ el.setAttributeNS(null, 'clip-path', `url(#${clipPathId})`);
+ });
+ }
+ setUpCells() {
+ this.getCells().forEach(cell => {
+ let group = cell,
+ point = this.getHex(cell);
+ point.addEventListener('click', e => {
+ // TODO
+ let existingOccupant =
+ this.svg.querySelector(`.counter[data-x="${point.dataset.x}"][data-y="${point.dataset.y}"]`);
+ if (this.getSelected() && !existingOccupant) {
+ let sl = this.svg.querySelector('.sight-line');
+ if (sl) {
+ if (sl.classList.contains('active')) {
+ this.SightLine.clear();
+ } else {
+ this.SightLine.update(point);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ group.addEventListener('contextmenu', e => {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ let sl = this.svg.querySelector('.sight-line');
+ if (sl) {
+ sl.classList.toggle('active');
+ if (sl.classList.contains('active')) {
+ this.SightLine.clear();
+ } else {
+ group.querySelector(`use[href="#hex"]`).classList.add('sight-line-target');
+ }
+ group.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('pointerover'));
+ }
+ });
+ group.addEventListener('pointerover', e => {
+ let selected = this.getSelected();
+ if (selected) {
+ let sl = this.svg.querySelector('.sight-line'),
+ isOnBoard = selected.parentElement.hasAttribute('data-x'),
+ sourceCell = selected.parentElement;
+ if (isOnBoard && (!sl || sl.classList.contains('active')) && sourceCell != group) {
+ this.SightLine.draw(sourceCell, group);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ group.addEventListener('pointerout', e => {
+ let sl = this.svg.querySelector('');
+ if (sl && sl.classList.contains('active')) {
+ this.SightLine.clear();
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ setUpCounter(container) {
+ this.Counter = new function () {
+ let selectedClass = 'selected',
+ svgns = "",
+ dataSelector = function (troopNumber, allegiance) {
+ return `[data-number="${troopNumber}"][data-allegiance="${allegiance}"]`;
+ },
+ selector = function (troopNumber, allegiance) {
+ return `use.counter${dataSelector(troopNumber, allegiance)}`;
+ },
+ position = function (x, y) {
+ return `g[data-x="${x}"][data-y="${y}"]`;
+ },
+ counterPosition = function (x, y) {
+ return `use.counter[data-x="${x}"][data-x="${y}"]`;
+ },
+ traceSelector = function (troopNumber, allegiance) {
+ return `polyline.move-trace${dataSelector(troopNumber, allegiance)}`;
+ },
+ clickClone = function (e) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ let { number: troopNumber, allegiance: troopAllegiance } = this.dataset,
+ pos = container.getCellPosition(this.parentElement);
+ if (container.Counter.isSelected(troopNumber, troopAllegiance)) {
+ let trace = container.svg.querySelector(traceSelector(troopNumber, troopAllegiance)),
+ points = trace.getAttribute('points').split(' ');
+ if (`${pos.x},${pos.y}` == {
+ const counter = container.getCounter(troopAllegiance, troopNumber),
+ lockedSl = container.svg.querySelector('.sight-line:not(.active)');
+ counter.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', 0);
+ counter.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', 0);
+ if (!lockedSl) {
+ container.SightLine.clear();
+ } else {
+ container.SightLine.update(this);
+ }
+ this.parentElement.appendChild(counter);
+ container.Counter.removeClones(counter);
+ trace.remove();
+ } else {
+ points = points.filter(p => p != `${pos.x},${pos.y}`).join(' ');
+ trace.setAttributeNS(null, 'points', points);
+ }
+ this.remove();
+ }
+ },
+ pointerOver = function () {
+ let { number: troopNumber, allegiance: troopAllegiance } = this.dataset,
+ cp = container.svg.querySelector(`#clip-path-${troopAllegiance}-${troopNumber}`);
+ if (cp) {
+ = 'none';
+ }
+ },
+ pointerOut = function () {
+ let { number: troopNumber, allegiance: troopAllegiance } = this.dataset,
+ cp = container.svg.querySelector(`#clip-path-${troopAllegiance}-${troopNumber}`);
+ if (cp) {
+ let isVisible =
+ document
+ .getElementById('toggle-firing-arc-vis')
+ .querySelector(`input[data-allegiance="${troopAllegiance}"]`)
+ .checked;
+ = isVisible ? 'none' : '';
+ }
+ },
+ click = function (e) {
+ if (this.classList.contains(selectedClass)) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ let { number: troopNumber, allegiance: troopAllegiance } = this.dataset,
+ trace = container.svg.querySelector(traceSelector(troopNumber, troopAllegiance));
+ if (trace) {
+ let points = trace.getAttribute('points').split(' '),
+ [clonePosX, clonePosY] =',').map(p => parseFloat(p)),
+ { clone } = Array
+ .from(container.getClones(troopAllegiance, troopNumber))
+ .map(c => { return { clone: c, pos: container.getCellPosition(c.parentElement) }})
+ .find(({ pos: { x, y }}) => x == clonePosX && y == clonePosY);
+ points.pop();
+ if (points.length >= 2) {
+ trace.setAttributeNS(null, 'points', points.join(' '));
+ } else {
+ trace.remove();
+ }
+ let sl = container.svg.querySelector('.sight-line');
+ if (sl) {
+ container.SightLine.update(clone)
+ } else {
+ container.SightLine.draw(this.parentElement, clone.parentElement);
+ }
+ clone.parentElement.appendChild(this);
+ clone.remove();
+ }
+ } else {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ //;
+ }
+ },
+ dblClick = function () {
+ if (this.classList.contains(selectedClass)) {
+ let { troopNumber, troopAllegiance } = this.dataset,
+ trace = grid.querySelector(traceSelector(troopNumber, troopAllegiance));
+ if (!trace) {
+ container.Counter.remove(this);
+ container.svg.querySelectorAll(`#firing-arcs ${dataSelector(troopNumber, troopAllegiance)}`).forEach(el => el.remove());
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ this.get = function (troopNumber, allegiance) {
+ return container.getCounter(allegiance, troopNumber);
+ };
+ this.getAt = function (x, y) {
+ return container.querySelector(`${counterPosition(x, y)}:not(.clone)`);
+ };
+ = function ({ dataset: { allegiance, number }}) {
+ this.unSelect();
+ let counter = container.getCounter(allegiance, number);
+ if (counter) {
+ counter.classList.add(selectedClass);
+ let existingArcs = container.getExistingArcs(allegiance, number);
+ existingArcs.forEach(el => el.removeAttribute('clip-path'));
+ }
+ };
+ this.unSelect = function () {
+ let selected = container.getSelected();
+ if (selected) {
+ let { troopNumber, troopAllegiance } = selected.dataset;
+ selected.classList.remove(selectedClass);
+ selected.removeAttribute('style');
+ container.SightLine.clear();
+ container
+ .svg
+ .querySelectorAll(`${selector(troopNumber, troopAllegiance)}.clone`)
+ .forEach(el => el.removeAttribute('style'));
+ }
+ container.clipFiringArcs();
+ };
+ this.isSelected = function (troopNumber, allegiance) {
+ return container.svg.querySelector(`${selector(troopNumber, allegiance)}.${selectedClass}`) !== null;
+ };
+ = function (point) {
+ const selected = container.getSelected(),
+ troopAllegiance = selected.dataset.allegiance,
+ troopNumber = selected.dataset.number;
+ let counter, points,
+ counterNodeList = container.getCounterAndClones(troopAllegiance, troopNumber);
+ if (counterNodeList.length > 0 && selected.parentElement.hasAttribute('data-x')) {
+ let counters = Array.from(counterNodeList),
+ original = counters.find(el => !el.classList.contains('clone')),
+ trace = container.svg.querySelector(traceSelector(troopNumber, troopAllegiance));
+ counter = original.cloneNode();
+ counter.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', 0);
+ counter.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', 0);
+ counter.classList.remove(selectedClass);
+ counter.classList.add('clone');
+ original.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', 0);
+ original.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', 0);
+ original.parentElement.appendChild(counter);
+ point.parentElement.appendChild(original);
+ let previous = container.getCellPosition(counter.parentElement),
+ current = container.getCellPosition(original.parentElement);
+ if (!trace) {
+ trace = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'polyline');
+ points = `${previous.x},${previous.y} ${current.x},${current.y}`;
+ trace.dataset.number = troopNumber;
+ trace.dataset.allegiance = troopAllegiance;
+ trace.classList.add('move-trace');
+ container.getBoard().prepend(trace);
+ } else {
+ points = `${trace.getAttribute('points')} ${current.x},${current.y}`;
+ }
+ trace.setAttributeNS(null, 'points', points);
+ counter.addEventListener('click', clickClone);
+ } else {
+ selected.removeAttribute('data-x');
+ point.parentElement.appendChild(selected);
+ }
+ };
+ this.remove = function ({ dataset: { troopNumber, troopAllegiance }}) {
+ container
+ .querySelectorAll(dataSelector(troopNumber, troopAllegiance))
+ .forEach(el => el.remove());
+ };
+ this.removeClones = function ({ dataset: { allegiance, number }}) {
+ container.getClones(allegiance, number).forEach(el => el.remove());
+ };
+ this.endMove = function (el) {
+ let { number: troopNumber, allegiance: troopAllegiance } = el.dataset;
+ let trace = container.svg.querySelector(traceSelector(troopNumber, troopAllegiance));
+ if (trace) {
+ trace.remove();
+ }
+ this.removeClones(el);
+ this.unSelect();
+ };
+ this.hasProne = function (troopNumber, troopAllegiance) {
+ let selector = `g#${troopAllegiance}-${troopNumber} use[href="#counter-prone"]`;
+ return !!container.svg.querySelector(selector);
+ };
+ this.addEventListeners = function (counter) {
+ counter.addEventListener('pointerover', pointerOver);
+ counter.addEventListener('pointerout', pointerOut);
+ counter.addEventListener('click', click);
+ // counter.addEventListener('dblclick', dblClick);
+ };
+ };
+ this.getCounters().forEach(c => this.Counter.addEventListeners(c));
+ }
+ setUpSightLine(ptGrp) {
+ const svgns = "",
+ grid = this.svg.querySelector('.board');
+ this.SightLine = new function() {
+ this.clear = function() {
+ let sl = grid.querySelector('line.sight-line');
+ let target = grid.querySelector(`use[href="#hex"].sight-line-target`);
+ if (sl) {
+ sl.remove();
+ }
+ if (target) {
+ target.classList.remove('sight-line-target');
+ }
+ this.clearHexes();
+ };
+ this.clearHexes = function() {
+ if ( {
+'#hex-count').textContent = '-';
+ = 'none';
+ }
+ ptGrp.getActiveHexes().forEach(el => el.classList.remove('active'));
+ };
+ this.draw = function (source, target) {
+ ptGrp.SightLine.clear();
+ let pt = new DOMPoint(0, 0),
+ transform = getComputedStyle(source).transform.match(/-?\d+\.?\d*/g),
+ mtx = new DOMMatrix(transform);
+ pt = pt.matrixTransform(mtx);
+ transform = getComputedStyle(source.parentElement).transform.match(/-?\d+\.?\d*/g);
+ mtx = new DOMMatrix(transform);
+ pt = pt.matrixTransform(mtx);
+ let slX1 = pt.x,
+ slY1 = pt.y;
+ pt = new DOMPoint(0, 0);
+ transform = getComputedStyle(target).transform.match(/-?\d+\.?\d*/g);
+ mtx = new DOMMatrix(transform);
+ pt = pt.matrixTransform(mtx);
+ transform = getComputedStyle(target.parentElement).transform.match(/-?\d+\.?\d*/g);
+ mtx = new DOMMatrix(transform);
+ pt = pt.matrixTransform(mtx);
+ let slX2 = pt.x,
+ slY2 = pt.y;
+ let sightLine = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'line');
+ sightLine.classList.add('sight-line');
+ sightLine.classList.add('active');
+ sightLine.setAttributeNS(null, 'x1', slX1);
+ sightLine.setAttributeNS(null, 'y1', slY1);
+ sightLine.setAttributeNS(null, 'x2', slX2);
+ sightLine.setAttributeNS(null, 'y2', slY2);
+ ptGrp.getBoard().appendChild(sightLine);
+ let coords = [
+ source.dataset.x,
+ source.parentElement.dataset.y,
+ target.dataset.x,
+ target.parentElement.dataset.y
+ ].map(n => parseInt(n));
+ this.drawHexes(...coords);
+ };
+ this.update = function (cell) {
+ const sl = ptGrp.svg.querySelector('.sight-line'),
+ target = ptGrp.svg.querySelector('.sight-line-target').parentElement,
+ { x, y } = ptGrp.getCellPosition(cell.parentElement),
+ x1 = cell.parentElement.dataset.x,
+ y1 = cell.parentElement.parentElement.dataset.y,
+ x2 = target.dataset.x,
+ y2 = target.parentElement.dataset.y;
+ sl.setAttributeNS(null, 'x1', x);
+ sl.setAttributeNS(null, 'y1', y);
+ this.drawHexes(...[x1, y1, x2, y2].map(n => parseInt(n)));
+ }
+ this.drawHexes = function (...coords) {
+ this.clearHexes()
+ if ( {
+'#hex-count').textContent = offset_distance(...coords);
+ = 'block';
+ }
+ let lineCoords = linedraw(...coords);
+ let s = lineCoords
+ .map(([x, y]) => `g[data-y="${y}"] g[data-x="${x}"] use[href="#hex"]`)
+ .join(', ');
+ ptGrp.svg.querySelectorAll(s).forEach(p => p.classList.add('active'));
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ setFiringArc(size) {
+ const svgns = "",
+ counter = this.getSelected();
+ if (counter) {
+ const { allegiance: troopAllegiance, number: troopNumber } = counter.dataset;
+ let existingArcs = this.svg.querySelectorAll(
+ `#firing-arcs [data-troop-number="${troopNumber}"][data-troop-allegiance="${troopAllegiance}"]`
+ );
+ existingArcs.forEach(el => el.remove());
+ let arcLayer = this.svg.querySelector('#shapes');
+ let outlineLayer = this.svg.querySelector('#lines');
+ let arcContainer = this.svg.querySelector('#firing-arcs');
+ let { x, y } = this.getCellPosition(counter.parentElement);
+ let grid = this.svg.querySelector('.board');
+ const transform = getComputedStyle(grid).transform.match(/-?\d+\.?\d*/g);
+ const pt = new DOMPoint(x, y);
+ const mtx = new DOMMatrix(transform);
+ let tPt = pt.matrixTransform(mtx);
+ let pivotPoint = [tPt.x, tPt.y];
+ let firingArc = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'polygon');
+ let firingArcOutline = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'polygon');
+ firingArc.classList.add('firing-arc', 'active');
+ firingArc.dataset.troopNumber = troopNumber;
+ firingArc.dataset.troopAllegiance = troopAllegiance;
+ firingArc.dataset.size = size;
+ firingArc.setAttributeNS(null, 'points', `${pivotPoint} ${pivotPoint} ${pivotPoint}`);
+ firingArcOutline.dataset.troopNumber = troopNumber;
+ firingArcOutline.dataset.troopAllegiance = troopAllegiance;
+ firingArcOutline.setAttributeNS(null, 'points', `${pivotPoint} ${pivotPoint} ${pivotPoint}`);
+ let clipShape = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'circle');
+ clipShape.setAttributeNS(null, 'cx', tPt.x);
+ clipShape.setAttributeNS(null, 'cy', tPt.y);
+ clipShape.setAttributeNS(null, 'r', 100);
+ let clipPath = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'clipPath');
+ clipPath.setAttributeNS(null, 'id', `clip-path-${troopAllegiance}-${troopNumber}`);
+ clipPath.dataset.troopNumber = troopNumber;
+ clipPath.dataset.troopAllegiance = troopAllegiance;
+ clipPath.appendChild(clipShape);
+ arcContainer.appendChild(clipPath);
+ arcLayer.appendChild(firingArc);
+ outlineLayer.appendChild(firingArcOutline);
+ let firingArcPlacementListener = e => {
+ this.svg.querySelectorAll('').forEach(el => el.classList.remove('active'));
+ grid.removeAttribute('style');
+ this.svg.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.#positionFiringArc);
+ firingArc.removeEventListener('click', firingArcPlacementListener);
+ firingArc.removeEventListener('contextmenu', cancelFiringArcPlacement);
+ };
+ let cancelFiringArcPlacement = e => {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ firingArc.removeEventListener('click', firingArcPlacementListener);
+ firingArc.removeEventListener('contextmenu', cancelFiringArcPlacement);
+ let existingArcs = this.svg.querySelectorAll(
+ `#firing-arcs [data-troop-number="${troopNumber}"][data-troop-allegiance="${troopAllegiance}"]`
+ );
+ existingArcs.forEach(el => el.remove());
+ grid.removeAttribute('style');
+ this.svg.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.#positionFiringArc);
+ };
+ = 'none';
+ this.svg.addEventListener('mousemove', this.#positionFiringArc);
+ firingArc.addEventListener('click', firingArcPlacementListener);
+ firingArc.addEventListener('contextmenu', cancelFiringArcPlacement);
+ }
+ }
cgit v1.2.3