import { Observable } from "./observable";
import counters from './assets/images/counters.svg';
const weapons = {
rifle: {
name: 'Rifle',
damage: '4L',
shortRange: '1-27',
longRange: '28-75'
smg: {
name: 'SMG',
damage: '3L',
shortRange: '1-15',
longRange: '16-25'
blazer: {
name: 'Blazer',
damage: '4L',
shortRange: '1-17',
longRange: '18-105'
hsplaser: {
name: 'Hvy Semi-Portable Laser',
damage: '14L',
shortRange: '1-100',
longRange: '101-280'
lmg: {
name: 'Light MG',
damage: '5L',
shortRange: '1-30',
longRange: '31-84'
srm: {
name: 'SRM',
damage: '8/4/2 L',
shortRange: '1-44',
longRange: '45-108'
smggl: {
name: 'SMG w/Grenade Launcher',
damage: '4/2/1 L',
shortRange: '1-10',
longRange: '11-24'
riflegl: {
name: 'Rifle w/Grenade Launcher',
damage: '4/2/1 L',
shortRange: '1-10',
longRange: '11-24'
pistol: {
name: 'Pistol',
damage: '3L',
shortRange: '1-7',
longRange: '8-20'
laserpistol: {
name: 'Laser Pistol',
damage: '4L',
shortRange: '1-12',
longRange: '13-30'
laserrifle: {
name: 'Laser Rifle',
damage: '5L',
shortRange: '1-17',
longRange: '18-105'
gyrojetrifle: {
name: 'Gyrojet Rifle',
damage: '6L',
shortRange: '1-57',
longRange: '58-180'
autopistol: {
name: 'Auto Pistol',
damage: '2L',
shortRange: '1-7',
longRange: '8-20'
law: {
name: 'LAW',
damage: '7/3/1 L',
shortRange: '1-22',
longRange: '23-80'
hsrm: {
name: 'Heavy SRM',
damage: '13/6/3/1 L',
shortRange: '1-54',
longRange: '55-96'
gl: {
name: 'Grenade Launcher',
damage: '4/2/1 L',
shortRange: '1-10',
longRange: '11-24'
autogl: {
name: 'Auto Grenade Launcher',
damage: '3/2/1 L',
shortRange: '1-22',
longRange: '23-50'
lrrifle: {
name: 'Light Recoilless Rifle',
damage: '4/2/1 L',
shortRange: '1-36',
longRange: '37-70'
satchelcharge: {
name: 'Satchel Charge',
damage: '10/5/2 L',
shortRange: 'NA',
longRange: 'NA'
flamer: {
name: 'Flamer',
damage: '2/1 L',
shortRange: '1-6',
longRange: '7-12'
hflamer: {
name: 'Heavy Flamer',
damage: '2/2/1 L',
shortRange: '1-6',
longRange: '7-12'
inferno: {
name: 'Inferno',
damage: '4/2/1 L',
shortRange: '1-44',
longRange: '45-108'
mmg: {
name: 'Medium MG',
damage: '6L',
shortRange: '1-30',
longRange: '31-84'
hmg: {
name: 'Heavy MG',
damage: '7L',
shortRange: '1-36',
longRange: '37-110'
splaser: {
name: 'Semi-Portable Laser',
damage: '11L',
shortRange: '1-80',
longRange: '81-240'
mpppc: {
name: 'Man-Pack PPC',
damage: '8L',
shortRange: '1-50',
longRange: '51-110'
grenade: {
name: 'Grenade',
damage: '6/3/1 L',
shortRange: 'Special',
longRange: 'Special'
function createIcon(number) {
const [icon, use, text] = ['svg', 'use', 'text'].map(t => document.createElementNS(svgns, t));
icon.setAttributeNS(null, 'viewBox', '-6 -6 12 12');
icon.setAttribute('xmlns', svgns);
use.setAttributeNS(null, 'href', `./${counters}#counter-base`);
text.textContent = number;
return icon;
function getRandomIntInclusive(min, max) {
const minCeiled = Math.ceil(min);
const maxFloored = Math.floor(max);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxFloored - minCeiled + 1) + minCeiled); // The maximum is inclusive and the minimum is inclusive
function createWeaponIcon(type) {
const [icon, use] = ['svg', 'use'].map(t => document.createElementNS(svgns, t));
icon.setAttributeNS(null, 'viewBox', '-6 -6 12 12');
icon.setAttribute('xmlns', svgns);
use.setAttributeNS(null, 'href', `${counters}#${type}`);
return icon;
function makeInactiveDivider(parent) {
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.textContent = 'Inactive';
return div;
function deactivationHandler(e) {
if (!this.classList.contains('inactive')) {
const inactiveDivider = this.parentElement.querySelector('.inactive-divider') || makeInactiveDivider(this.parentElement);
this.addEventListener('transitionend', e => {
inactiveDivider.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' });
this.setAttributeNS(null, 'style', 'transform: scale(0.9);');
} else {
const squadRecords = this.parentElement.querySelectorAll(`.soldier-record:not(.inactive)[data-squad="${this.dataset.squad}"]`);
const sorted = [...squadRecords, this].sort(({ dataset: { number: a }}, { dataset: { number: b }}) => +a > +b);
const index = sorted.findIndex(record => record === this);
if (index === 0)
else if (index === sorted.length - 1)
sorted[sorted.length - 2].after(this)
sorted[index - 1].after(this)
this.removeAttributeNS(null, 'style');
this.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' });
function closestSibling(el, selector) {
let nextMatch, prevMatch;
const next = { steps: 0, direction: 'next' };
const prev = { steps: 0, direction: 'previous' };
next.el = prev.el = el;
while (next.el || prev.el) {
next.el = next.el?.nextElementSibling;
prev.el = prev.el?.previousElementSibling;
if (next.el) next.steps += 1
if (prev.el) prev.steps += 1
nextMatch = next.el?.matches(selector);
prevMatch = prev.el?.matches(selector);
if (nextMatch || prevMatch) {
const results = [];
if (prevMatch) results.push(prev);
if (nextMatch) results.push(next);
return results;
return [];
function armorAssignPreviewSel(index, armorPoints, direction) {
const range = {
previous: {
from: index + 2 - armorPoints,
to: index + 1
next: {
from: index + 1,
to: index + armorPoints
return `damage-block:nth-of-type(n + ${range[direction].from}):nth-of-type(-n + ${range[direction].to})`;
function assignArmor({ dataset: { armor: armorPts }}, record) {
const previewClass = 'preview';
const armoredClass = 'armor';
const armorableSel = ':nth-of-type(n + 1):nth-of-type(-n + 10)';
const track = record.shadowRoot.querySelector('.physical-status-track');
const armorableBlocks = track.querySelectorAll(`damage-block${armorableSel}`);
const initial = `damage-block:nth-of-type(n + 1):nth-of-type(-n + ${armorPts})`;
track.querySelectorAll(initial).forEach(el => el.classList.add(armoredClass));
function isUnarmoredBlockNum(el) {
const unarmored = track.querySelectorAll(`damage-block:not(.${armoredClass})${armorableSel}`);
return [
el.getAttributeNS(null, 'slot') === 'block-number',
].every(c => c);
function armorAssignPreviewHandler(e) {
const parent =;
if (isUnarmoredBlockNum( {
const [{ direction }] = closestSibling(parent, `.${armoredClass}`);
const index = [...armorableBlocks].findIndex(el => el === parent);
const previewSel = armorAssignPreviewSel(index, +armorPts, direction);
track.querySelectorAll(previewSel).forEach(el => el.classList.add(previewClass));
function clearArmorAssignPreviewHandler(e) {
.forEach(el => el.classList.remove(previewClass));
function armorAssignHandler(e) {
if (isUnarmoredBlockNum( {
.forEach(el => el.classList.remove(armoredClass));
track.querySelectorAll(`damage-block.${previewClass}`).forEach(el => {
track.addEventListener('pointerover', armorAssignPreviewHandler);
track.addEventListener('pointerout', clearArmorAssignPreviewHandler);
track.addEventListener('click', armorAssignHandler);
function createRecord(unit) {
const { dataset: { allegiance, number, squad }} = unit,
pw = unit.classList && unit.classList.contains('counter')
? unit.querySelector('.primary-weapon').getAttributeNS(null, 'href').split('#').pop()
: unit.dataset.weapon || 'rifle',
div = document.createElement('soldier-record-block'),
spans = Array(6).fill('span').map(t => document.createElement(t)),
[tn, sn, pwt, pwd, pwrs, pwrl] = spans;
if (unit.classList && unit.classList.contains('selected')) div.classList.add('selected');
div.dataset.number = number;
div.dataset.squad = squad;
div.dataset.allegiance = allegiance;
tn.setAttribute('slot', 'troop-number');
sn.setAttribute('slot', 'squad-number');
sn.appendChild(createIcon(squad || 1));
pwt.setAttribute('slot', 'primary-weapon-type');
pwt.textContent = ' ' + weapons[pw].name;
pwd.setAttribute('slot', 'primary-weapon-damage');
pwd.textContent = weapons[pw].damage;
pwrs.setAttribute('slot', 'primary-weapon-range-short');
pwrs.textContent = weapons[pw].shortRange;
pwrl.setAttribute('slot', 'primary-weapon-range-long');
pwrl.textContent = weapons[pw].longRange;
spans.forEach(el => div.appendChild(el));
if (unit.dataset.armor) assignArmor(unit, div);
div.addEventListener('contextmenu', deactivationHandler);
return div;
function createRecords(units) {
return Array.from(units).reduce((acc, unit) => {
const record = createRecord(unit),
{ allegiance, squad } = unit.dataset;
if (acc[allegiance]) {
acc[allegiance][squad]?.push(record) || (acc[allegiance][squad] = [record])
} else {
acc[allegiance] = { [squad]: [record] }
return acc;
}, {});
function getRecord({ dataset: { allegiance: al, number: n, squad: s }}) {
const selector = `.soldier-record[data-number="${n}"][data-allegiance="${al}"][data-squad="${s}"]`;
return document.querySelector(selector);
function clear() {
document.querySelectorAll('#record-sheet > *').forEach(el => {
//el.querySelectorAll('.squad-number').forEach(sn => sn.remove());
const records = el.querySelector('.records');
records.dataset.viewSquadNumber = 1;
[...records.children].forEach(c => c.remove());
//document.querySelector('#attacker-record .name').textContent = 'attacker';
//document.querySelector('#defender-record .name').textContent = 'defender';
function reveal(record) {
const currentSquadIndicator = document.querySelector(`#record-sheet #${record.dataset.allegiance}-record .records-header .squad-number text`);
const records = document.querySelector(`#record-sheet #${record.dataset.allegiance}-record .records`);
const currentSquad = records.querySelector(`.squad-${currentSquadIndicator.textContent}`);
function revealSquad(current, squad, direction) {
current.addEventListener('transitionend', e => {
const next = current[`${direction}ElementSibling`];
currentSquadIndicator.textContent = +next.className.match(/\d+/); = 'none';
// There needs to be a delay between making it visible and the
// transformation. ScrollTo seems to create enough delay. = 'block';
records.scrollTo(0, 0);
if (next !== squad && next[`${direction}ElementSibling`])
revealSquad(next, squad, direction);
else { = 'translateX(0)';
next.addEventListener('transitionend', e => {
record.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' });
}, { once: true });
}, { once: true }); = `translateX(${direction === 'next' ? '-' : ''}100%)`;
if (!currentSquad.contains(record)) {
const [squad] = closestSibling(currentSquad, `.squad-${record.dataset.squad}`);
revealSquad(currentSquad, squad.el, squad.direction);
} else
record.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' });
function deselect() {
const selected = getSelected();
if (selected) selected.classList.remove('selected');
function select(data, opts) {
const record = data && getRecord(data);
const isSelected = record?.classList.contains('selected');
if (isSelected || !data) return;
if (opts?.revealRecord) reveal(record);
function endMove() {
const selected = getSelected();
if (selected) {
const list = selected.closest('.records').querySelectorAll('.soldier-record:not(.movement-ended, .inactive)');
const index = [...list].findIndex(s => s === selected);
const next = list.length > 1 ? list[(index + 1) % list.length] : null;
if (next)
Observable.notify('select', next, { revealCounter: true, revealRecord: true });
export function extractWeaponFromRecord(recordEl) {
return recordEl
.querySelector('[slot="primary-weapon-type"] use')
.getAttributeNS(null, 'href')
export function isRecord(el) {
return el.classList && el.classList.contains('soldier-record');
export function getSelected() {
return document.querySelector('.soldier-record.selected');
export function start(startLoc, units) {
const forces = createRecords(units);
for (const affiliation in forces) {
const container = document.querySelector(`#${affiliation}-record`);
const records = container.querySelector('.records');
const viewSquadIndicator = container.querySelector('.squad-number svg text');
for (const squadNumber in forces[affiliation]) {
const squadContainer = document.createElement('div');
forces[affiliation][squadNumber].forEach(r => squadContainer.append(r));
viewSquadIndicator.textContent = Object.keys(forces[affiliation])[0];
document.querySelectorAll('.soldier-record').forEach(el =>
el.addEventListener('click', () => Observable.notify('select', el, { revealCounter: true }))
Observable.subscribe('select', select);
Observable.subscribe('endmove', endMove);
console.log('records created');
export function stop() {
Observable.unsubscribe('select', select);
Observable.unsubscribe('endmove', endMove);