Web Dev Solutions

Catalin Mititiuc

defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pandoc do use Mix.Task @ext ".md" @impl true def run(args) do switches = [runtime_config: :boolean] {opts, remaining_args} = OptionParser.parse_head!(args, switches: switches) if opts[:runtime_config] do Mix.Task.run("app.config") else Mix.Task.run("loadpaths") Application.ensure_all_started(:pandoc) end Mix.Task.reenable("pandoc") install_and_run(remaining_args) end defp install_and_run([profile | _args] = all) do IO.puts("Converting markdown...") profile = String.to_atom(profile) config = Application.get_env(:pandoc, profile) args = config[:args] || [] opts = [cd: config[:cd] || File.cwd!()] out_path = List.last(args) full_out_path = [opts[:cd], out_path] |> Path.join() |> Path.expand() File.rm_rf!(full_out_path) File.mkdir_p!(full_out_path) opts[:cd] |> Path.join("*#{@ext}") |> Path.wildcard() |> Enum.each(fn path -> case Pandoc.run(profile, Path.basename(path)) do 0 -> :ok status -> Mix.raise("`mix pandoc #{Enum.join(all, " ")}` exited with #{status}") end end) end defp install_and_run([]) do Mix.raise("`mix pandoc` expects the profile as argument") end end