Web Dev Solutions

Catalin Mititiuc

defmodule PandocTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true alias Pandoc.Watcher import ExUnit.CaptureIO @version Pandoc.latest_version() test "run on default" do assert capture_io(fn -> assert Pandoc.run(:default, ["--version"]) == 0 end) =~ @version end test "run on profile" do assert capture_io(fn -> assert Pandoc.run(:another, []) == 0 end) =~ @version end test "updates on install" do Application.put_env(:pandoc, :version, "3.6") Mix.Task.rerun("pandoc.install", ["--if-missing"]) assert capture_io(fn -> assert Pandoc.run(:default, ["--version"]) == 0 end) =~ "3.6" Application.delete_env(:pandoc, :version) Mix.Task.rerun("pandoc.install", ["--if-missing"]) assert capture_io(fn -> assert Pandoc.run(:default, ["--version"]) == 0 end) =~ @version after Application.delete_env(:pandoc, :version) end test "install and run multiple concurrently" do bin_path = Pandoc.bin_path() assert :ok = File.exists?(bin_path) && File.rm!(bin_path) results = [:extra1, :extra2, :extra3] |> Enum.map(fn profile -> Application.put_env(:pandoc, profile, args: ["--version"]) Task.async(fn -> capture_io(fn -> ret_code = Pandoc.install_and_run(profile, []) # Let the first finished task set the binary file to read and execute only, # so that the others will fail if they try to overwrite it. File.chmod!(bin_path, 0o500) ret_code == 0 end) end) end) |> Task.await_many(:infinity) File.chmod!(bin_path, 0o700) assert Enum.all?(results) end test "installs with custom URL" do assert :ok = Mix.Task.rerun("pandoc.install", [ "https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/releases/download/$version/pandoc-$version-$target.tar.gz" ]) end test "starts watching and writes to stdio" do in_tmp("documents", fn -> task = Task.async(fn -> Pandoc.watch(:default) end) %{pid: pid, ref: ref} = task :timer.sleep(200) {_, watcher_pid, _, _} = Pandoc.Supervisor |> Supervisor.which_children() |> Enum.find(fn {Watcher, _, _, _} -> true _ -> false end) assert capture_io(fn -> # Redirect watcher output to current process so it can be captured Process.group_leader(watcher_pid, Process.group_leader()) File.write!("hello.md", "# hello") Task.yield(task, 200) end) =~ ~s{


\n} assert :ok = Supervisor.terminate_child(Pandoc.Supervisor, Watcher) assert_receive {:DOWN, ^ref, :process, ^pid, :normal}, 1000 end) after File.rm_rf!(tmp_path()) end defp in_tmp(which, function) do path = tmp_path(which) File.rm_rf!(path) File.mkdir_p!(path) File.cd!(path, function) end defp tmp_path, do: Path.expand("../tmp", __DIR__) defp tmp_path(extension), do: Path.join(tmp_path(), extension) end