Web Dev Solutions

Catalin Mititiuc

Web Log

Elixir, JavaScript, SVG, Containers, Git, Linux

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Build A Static-Website Generator With Elixir, Part 1

This is one of our longer posts, so we’ve included a table of contents.

Table of Contents


We want to build the world’s simplest static-website generator. Also, we want to use an iterative and incremental development method to do it. Finally, we want to use the Elixir programming language. Before we dive in, here’s an extremely short primer on iterative and incremental development processes. We will combine these two ideas as we build this project.

Incremental Development Concepts

Iterative Development Concepts

We are now in the initialization phase. We will go through each of the seven iteration steps to build a minimum base system.

  1. Planning
  2. Requirements
  3. Analysis & Design
  4. Implementation
  5. Testing
  6. Deployment
  7. Evaluation

Initial Planning


Functional Requirements

Non-Functional Requirements



We want to deliver the smallest increment of functionality possible, so we’re going to start simple. We will first add an index.html serves as the initial page for our static website. Then, we will add a development server to serve the site to ourselves so we can see how it looks before we deploy it live.



  1. Post written text online

This is the essence of the deliverable. Posting written text online is the first functionality we will deliver.


This will make our lives easier during development and shorten the feedback loop.

Analysis & Design


The smallest bit of functionality we can offer is a static website with a single HTML file. We actually made a proof of concept that does exactly this already and described the process in detail in an earlier post. If we can add a development web server, that will pretty much meet all of our requirements.


We could list our posts in a single HTML file, sorted in descending order of date, so that the most recent posts are at the top. Readers should have to scroll down to see older posts.

Ideally, each post would have a title, a short message, and the date it was posted. The text should not stretch across the whole viewport on a wide screen, but should wrap at a point that facilitates readability. The markup should be well-structured and valid. The column of text should be centered in the viewport but the text itself should be left-aligned.


We’ve chosen “Serval” for the project name.


1. Create a new Mix project

We’re going to need a supervisor to start our development server later when we add it, so we use the --sup option when we run the mix new command to generate our initial project files. We can refer to our explanation of this command previously, if necessary.

$ docker run --rm -w /opt -v $PWD:/opt -u $(id -u):$(id -u) elixir mix new serval --sup

Then, we initialize Git in our project directory.

$ cd serval
$ git init

Configure the user name and email, if necessary.

$ git config user.email "webdevcat@proton.me"
$ git config user.name "Catalin Mititiuc"

Lastly, create the initial commit.

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"

2. Create a GitHub repo

After creating the remote repo on GitHub, we add it as the origin and push up our initial commit.

$ git remote add origin git@github.com:webdevcat-me/serval.git
$ git push -u origin master

3. Add an index.html file to the root directory

Just a simple HTML boilerplate, for now.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <h1>Hello, Serval!</h1>

4. Add a Dockerfile

As we’ve mentioned before, we heavily favor using Docker for our projects when possible. We can copy the Dockerfile from our proof of concept app, but since we added a new file, index.html, we need to add a COPY command for it as well.


FROM elixir:slim

COPY lib ./lib
COPY mix.exs ./mix.exs
COPY index.html ./index.html


RUN mix deps.get --only $MIX_ENV && mix build

5. Add a Mix task for building the site

We can start with a copy of lib/mix/tasks/build.ex from our concept app, as it already mostly does what we want. Our build task isn’t really going to “build” anything, just yet. For now, it’s just going to copy our index.html file from our app’s root directory to the /public directory in the Docker container. We’ll build on this later to make it more dynamic.

First, we want to add a variable for the output directory to the application environment. We do this in the application() function of the mix.exs file, as per the documentation for the mix compile.app command.


  def application do
      env: [output_directory: "/public"],

Next, after we copy over lib/mix/tasks/build.ex from our proof-of-concept app, we can remove the @markup module attribute because we want the output directory to contain the contents of the index.html file from our root directory.

Let’s add a module attribute for our filename

@filename "index.html"

and replace the last line in run() with

def run(_args) do
  File.cp!(@filename, Path.join(output_directory, @filename))

And let’s not forget to update the app name in the call to fetch_env():

output_directory = Application.fetch_env!(:serval, :output_directory)

Here’s what the build task looks like. We also updated the @moduledoc to reflect the changes in the task, as well as updated and added shell output to inform us when the task finishes.


defmodule Mix.Tasks.Build do
  @moduledoc "Creates a /public directory and copies an HTML index file from the root directory there"
  @shortdoc "Builds static HTML file"

  use Mix.Task

  @filename "index.html"

  @impl Mix.Task
  def run(_args) do
    Mix.shell().info("Building markup...\n  " <> @filename)

    output_directory = Application.fetch_env!(:serval, :output_directory)

    File.cp!(@filename, Path.join(output_directory, @filename))


So far, everything is pretty much just like our concept app that we’re using as a reference. To make sure there aren’t any problems, let’s try building our Docker image.

$ docker build -t serval_dev .

And now let’s start a container and check the contents of the HTML file in /public.

$ docker run --rm -w /opt -v $PWD:/opt serval_dev bash -c "mix build && cat /public/index.html"
Building markup...
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <h1>Hello, Serval!</h1>

So far, so good! Let’s add these Docker commands to our README.md for future reference.


# Serval

The world's simplest static-website generator!

## Build Docker image

    docker build -t serval_dev .

## Build static site

    docker run --rm -w /opt -v $PWD:/opt serval_dev mix build

Since we expanded on the build task that we copied from our reference project, next we’ll add a test for the new functionality.

6. Add a test for our Mix build task

To start, our POC app has a test for the Mix build task we can copy over to our project in test/mix/tasks/build_test.exs. We’ll want to add a new test case to cover the changes we’ve made.

test "updates output files"
First pass

To test that our Mix task is updating the output files, we first need to create them so they exist already before the task runs. We need to create two fixtures in our test. The first is the file already existing in the output directory, and the second is the file in our root directory that will replace it when we run our build task.

  test "updates output files", %{output_dir: output_dir} do
    output_path = Path.join(tmp_path("build"), output_dir)

    File.write!(Path.join(output_path, "index.html"), """
    <!-- Auto-generated fixture -->
    <!DOCTYPE html>
      <body>hello world</body>


    File.write("index.html", """
    <!-- Auto-generated fixture -->
    <!DOCTYPE html>

    capture_io(fn -> Mix.Tasks.Build.run([]) end)

    assert File.read!(Path.join(output_path, "index.html")) =~ "welcome"

De-duplicate fixture

Both tests in our file now need to use an index.html fixture, so we can move that markup into a module attribute, @markup, to avoid duplicating it in both tests.

  @markup """
  <!-- Auto-generated fixture -->
  <!DOCTYPE html>
    <body>hello world</body>
  test "creates output file", %{output_dir: output_dir} do
    File.write("index.html", @markup)

  test "updates output files", %{output_dir: output_dir} do
    File.write!(Path.join(output_path, "index.html"), @markup)
De-duplicate directory setup

Next, both our tests require setting up a temporary directory.


The official Elixir code repository has a test helper called in_tmp() that does exactly this. We can copy that function into our test file. We’re actually already using the function that it calls, tmp_path(), in our code. 😁

  defp in_tmp(which, function) do
    path = tmp_path(which)
    File.cd!(path, function)

And now we can remove the temp directory setup from our tests, and just wrap them in a call to in_tmp().

  test "creates output files", %{output_dir: output_dir} do
    in_tmp("build", fn ->

  test "updates output files", %{output_dir: output_dir} do
    in_tmp("build", fn ->

And since in_tmp() deletes any existing temp directory, we don’t need to run our test teardown for every test. And since the output directory doesn’t change between tests, we don’t need to run our setup for every test, either. We can just do it all, once per test-run, by defining our setup block in a call to setup_all() instead of setup().

setup_all do
Final form

Here’s what the final version of our test looks like.


defmodule Mix.Tasks.BuildTest do
  use ExUnit.Case

  import ExUnit.CaptureIO

  @filename "index.html"

  @markup """
  <!-- Auto-generated fixture -->
  <!DOCTYPE html>
    <body>hello world</body>

  setup_all do
    output_dir = "public"
    file_path = Path.join(output_dir, @filename)

    original = Application.fetch_env!(:serval, :output_directory)
    Application.put_env(:serval, :output_directory, "public")

    on_exit(fn ->
      Application.put_env(:serval, :output_directory, original)

    [context: "build", output_dir: output_dir, file_path: file_path]

  test "creates output files", %{context: context, file_path: file_path} do
    in_tmp(context, fn ->
      File.write!(@filename, @markup)

      capture_io(fn -> Mix.Tasks.Build.run([]) end)

      assert File.exists?(file_path)

  test "updates output files", %{file_path: file_path} = context do
    in_tmp(context[:context], fn ->
      File.write!(file_path, @markup)

      File.write!(@filename, """
      <!-- Auto-generated fixture -->
      <!DOCTYPE html>

      capture_io(fn -> Mix.Tasks.Build.run([]) end)

      assert File.read!(file_path) =~ "welcome"

  defp tmp_path, do: Path.expand("../tmp", __DIR__)
  defp tmp_path(extension), do: Path.join(tmp_path(), extension)

  defp in_tmp(which, function) do
    path = tmp_path(which)
    File.cd!(path, function)

Let’s try running our test.

$ docker run --rm -w /opt -v $PWD:/opt serval_dev mix test
Finished in 0.05 seconds (0.00s async, 0.05s sync)
1 doctest, 3 tests, 0 failures

And let’s not forget to add this Docker command to the README.


## Run tests

    docker run --rm -w /opt -v $PWD:/opt serval_dev mix test

We still need to add some markup and styles to our index file, but without a web server to show us the content, making and verifying changes will be tedious. Let’s now focus on the development server and then we’ll come back around to markup and styling.

7. Add a web server for development

To add our development web server, we can take a look at the Plug library documentation, as it provides a nice example to get us started.

We add plug_cowboy to deps() in our mix.exs file. Since the web server will only run during development, we use the only: :dev option.

  defp deps do
      {:plug_cowboy, "~> 2.0", only: :dev},

Next, we copy the example plug module from the Plug documentation to lib/serval/plug.ex.


defmodule Serval.Plug do
  import Plug.Conn

  def init(options) do
    # initialize options

  def call(conn, _opts) do
    |> put_resp_content_type("text/plain")
    |> send_resp(200, "Hello world")

We can update lib/serval/application.ex to start our web server under a supervisor when the application starts. We’ll also add a call to our build task to make sure we’re not looking at a stale page on startup.


defmodule Serval.Application do
  @moduledoc false

  use Application
  require Logger

  @impl true
  def start(_type, _args) do

    children = [
      {Plug.Cowboy, plug: Serval.Plug, scheme: :http, options: [port: 4000]}

    opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Serval.Supervisor]

    Logger.info("Plug now running on localhost:4000")

    Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

Now, we can test our development server. First, we fetch our new dependencies with:

$ docker run --rm -w /opt -v $PWD:/opt serval_dev mix deps.get

Then, we can start the application. Since we want our server to stay running until we stop it, we use the --no-halt option. We also need to publish a port, since our browser is connecting to a server inside a container. The -p 4000:4000 option binds the container’s port 4000 to port 4000 on our system.

$ docker run --rm -it -w /opt -v $PWD:/opt -p 4000:4000 serval_dev mix run --no-halt

It’s going to ask to install hex and then rebar.

Mix requires the Hex package manager to fetch dependencies
Shall I install Hex? (if running non-interactively, use "mix local.hex --force") [Yn]
Could not find "rebar3", which is needed to build dependency :telemetry
Shall I install rebar3? (if running non-interactively, use "mix local.rebar --force") [Yn]
==> serval
Compiling 4 files (.ex)
Generated serval app
Building markup...

01:26:30.509 [info] Plug now running on localhost:4000

And when we visit localhost:4000, we should see a “Hello world” message in plain text.

Our development server rendering the text “Hello world”.

Great! So our web server is running and responding to requests! Before moving on, let’s update our README with some new Docker commands.


## Run development server

### First, fetch the dependencies

    docker run --rm -w /opt -v $PWD:/opt serval_dev mix deps.get

### Start the server

    docker run --rm -it -w /opt -v $PWD:/opt -p 4000:4000 serval_dev mix run --no-halt

Visit `localhost:4000` to view.

8. Serve files from the output directory

Our development web server currently responds to every call with “Hello world” in plain text. Now, lets see about making it serve our file from the container’s /public directory.

We update lib/serval/plug.ex to get the output directory path from the application environment variable.

  def call(conn, _opts) do
    path =
      :serval |> Application.fetch_env!(:output_directory) |> Path.join("index.html")

Then, we replace the call to send_resp with send_file and pass the MIME type "text/html" instead of "text/plain" to the put_resp_content_type() call.

    conn |> put_resp_content_type("text/html") |> send_file(200, path)

Now when we start the development server, we should see the contents of the index.html file from our project root.

Our development server rendering the index.html file from our project root directory with the text “Hello, Serval!”.

If we make a change to index.html, we will not immediately see the results by refreshing the browser. We will first have to run our build task before we can see the new output. Since we added a call to the build task in lib/serval/application.ex, we could see the changes by simply restarting the dev server. To see the changes without restarting, we first need to find the name of the container running our app with docker ps. Then we can run a command in that container like so:

$ docker exec CONTAINER_NAME mix build

After that, refreshing the browser should show us any changes to index.html. That’s also another one to add to README.md.


## View changes

To see updates made to `index.html`, simply restart the dev server. To see changes without restarting, first find the name of the running container with `docker ps`. Then, run:

    docker exec CONTAINER_NAME mix build

9. Rebuild the docker image

So, our dev server is running and it is serving the index.html file from our root directory. Awesome!

If you have stopped and started the dev server a few times, you will notice that it asks to install Hex each time. Because we always run our commands in a new container, the Hex installation doesn’t get saved between stops and restarts. Since our Dockerfile fetches dependencies and calls the build task, all we need to do to fix the issue is rebuild our Docker image.

$ docker image rm serval_dev
$ docker build -t serval_dev .

Now when we start our app, we will no longer receive the Shall I install Hex? prompt.

$ docker run --rm -it -w /opt -v $PWD:/opt -p 4000:4000 serval_dev mix run --no-halt
Building markup...

03:24:57.061 [info] Plug now running on localhost:4000

10. Avoid compiling the dev server in :prod (and running it in :test)

We don’t require any dependencies in production, but we do compile code that still refers to those non-existent dependencies. We have to edit mix.exs to ensure that our web server code is not compiled and our application is not started in production.

def project do
    elixirc_paths: elixirc_paths(Mix.env()),

def application do
    mod: mod(Mix.env())

defp elixirc_paths(:prod), do: ["lib/mix/tasks"]
defp elixirc_paths(_), do: ["lib"]

defp mod(:dev), do: {Serval.Application, []}
defp mod(_), do: []

12. Update markup

Now that the dev server is working, viewing changes to our markup is much easier. We can go about improving what we have of our static website so far to make it more presentable.

Our design calls for “title, a short message, and the date”. Since we are building the world’s simplest static-website generator, the simplest thing we can think of is a heading, a paragraph, and a date:

We’re going to keep it extremely simple. What is the smallest amount of information we can convey that is going to be useful? A page header would be good, so readers have something to identify us with. And then a heading, date, and a paragraph to satisfy our design.

      <h1>Page Heading</h1>

      <h2>Post Heading</h2>
      <time datetime="2020-01-01">Jan 1, 2020</time>
      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>

After restarting our server, we can see our changes in the browser.

Browser displaying a webpage with our HTML changes

This is enough to get us started. Let’s add some styling.

13. Add styles

We’re going to use white-space as much as possible do delineate different sections.

Styling is pretty subjective, and we’re still early in this project, so we don’t want to spend too much time on the appearance now. We just want to make the text a bit more readabale. We add our style directly to the head of the index.html file. We will break the styles out into their own file later, for now we just want to do the minimum to initialize the project base.

Here’s what we’ve added to the bottom of the <head> section in index.html:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="//fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=EB+Garamond&family=Pathway+Gothic+One" type="text/css" media="screen" />
      body {
        font: 1.2em/1.5em 'EB Garamond', serif;
        padding: 5px;

      body > main {
        max-width: 31.5em;
        margin: 0 auto;

      body > header h1 {
        margin-top: 0;
        margin-bottom: 0.3em;

      h1, h2 {
        font-family: 'Pathway Gothic One', sans-serif;

We can now see what our styles look like in a few different viewport widths. We want to make sure to test both super-narrow, for small mobile screens, and super-wide, for wide monitors.


Our goal is legibility, and that looks well-legible enough to get us started.


Testing so far is pretty straight-forward: either our index page is viewable or it isn’t. We’re going to set up a staging environment to ensure that it’s viewable once we deploy it.

Deploy to a staging environment

We already described our deployment process in the earlier post about the proof-of-concept for this project. We’re going to follow the same steps to deploy Serval, but first we want to create a separate resource for staging, so that we can look everything over one last time before we commit to deploying for production.

One difference from our POC instructions is, after we add our GitHub repository, DigitalOcean detects two resources: a Static Site and a Web Service. We want to delete the the Static Site resource and continue with the deployment steps using the resource that was detected as a Web Service.

  1. For our Resource Name, we used, simply, staging.
  2. We also want to set an HTTP Request Route for something like /staging, because the root route / will be for production.
  3. On the info screen, we change the default app name to serval and click “Next”.
  4. Then we finish up by clicking “Create Resources”.

If all goes well, when deploying finishes, we should be able to visit the /staging route of the URL DigitalOcean gives for our app. Something like:


If everything looks alright, we can tag the release and proceed to deploying a production version.

Tag the release

And that’s it! With our requirements met, we are ready to release. Let’s add a tag to our repository to mark the release version and push it up to our remote repo.

$ git tag v0.1.0
$ git push origin v0.1.0


Deploy to a production environment

To deploy our production version of Serval, we’re going to create a new resource for the DigitalOcean App we just created.

  1. Go to the DigitalOcean Apps page.
  2. Click on the Serval App. We named ours, appropriately, serval.
  3. Click on “Create” and select “Create Resources from Source Code” from the menu.
  4. As before, select our Serval repository.
  5. As with our staging process above, it will detect two resources. We want to delete the Static Site one and edit the Web Service one as before.
  6. We set our resource name as production.
  7. Change the resource type from Web Service to Static Site and click “Save”.
  8. Again, we want to set our output directory to /public and click “Save”.
  9. Make sure we add a root route, /, under HTTP Request Routes and click “Save”.
  10. If we added a MIX_ENV with a value of prod under Global when deploying the staging resource, the we won’t have to do anything else on the Environment Variables screen. Otherwise, we should make sure we add it, either under Global or under “production”.
  11. And if everything looks alright on the Review screen, we click “Create Resource”.

Once deployment finishes, our App will have two components: a “staging” one and a “production” one. We can now visit our production app at the URL DigitalOcean provides (or a custom URL, but that is outside the scope of this post).


We’ll now take a moment to consider our project so far. On the functional side, what’s most obvious is that we’re not really “generating” anything, we’re still just editing raw HTML. We’ll adress this point soon.

On the non-functional side, two things in particular stick out in our minds.

  1. Having to run the build task to see a development change is repetitive and time-consuming
  2. Having to refresh the browser to see a development change is, again, repetitive and time-consuming

The consequences of having to do these repetitive steps over and over are a slower feedback loop and a longer development cycle. Luckily, these sorts of issues are easily remedied with a little automation. That sounds like a great next-step for this project and a great addition to our Project Control List.

Project Control List

Here’s what we’ve accomplished in this iteration, and what we look forward to working on in the next one.

New Tasks

  1. Automate running the build task after code changes
  2. Automate refreshing the browser after a rebuild

Completed Tasks

And here’s what we’ve accomlished in this initial project step, building on the proof-of-concept we built before.


We have done the initialization phase and planted the “seed” from which the rest of our app will evolve. So far, we can publish a website with a single page and we can run a web server in our development environment to serve it to ourselves locally. Next time, we will make the build task run automatically whenever our markup changes. We’ll see each other again, then. Take care and happy coding!